Now that we’re basically adults, we’ve come to realise that primary school was actually pretty fun. The only thing better than going back in time to relive school are these images that make us wish we could return to such simple times. The 90s were great, weren’t they?
1. Trying to use all colours at the same time:

2. This being the best day of term:

3. Thinking this was awesome even though everyone did it:

4. Losing one of these capsule things and being screwed:

5. The sheer relief when walking into a class to see this:

6. Creating masterpieces on Paint since forever:

7. These notes which were obviously really secret:

8. Accepting that maybe the blue end didn’t actually rub out ink:

9. Not really being able to see what the projector said:

10. This absolute pencil sharpening machine:

11. These rubbers that just didn’t function ever:

12. When this lead snapped again… and again… and again…

13. Stamping things just because you could:

14. This being the most stressful few minutes of all time:

15. Doing maths 90s style (or just having a sword fight):

16. Using these to tidy things up but making things so much worse:

17. Somehow being convinced that these could have alien babies:

18. Trading gel pens like a boss: