So you’ve chosen a university and picked a course – but then there’s the choice between halls and a house. Most students soon wonder why it was ever a difficult decision, realising that halls are the perfect place to make friends and become familiar with a new city. With that said, Caitlin Irwin gives us a few reasons living in halls is better than living in a house:
1. Neighbours

When you’re in a house you usually don’t know your neighbours. Half the time, they’re not even students and won’t appreciate your 10pm pre-drinks or 4am after-parties. In halls, though, neighbours become extended flatmates, offering somewhere to chill when your own flatmates aren’t home.
2. There’s always a party nearby

If you like going out, you’ll never be short of a place to go or people to go with. Not only that but you never have to travel anywhere to find a party; it’s always down the hall or next door.
3. Pyjamas are acceptable anywhere and everywhere

We’re students – half the time we’re spending our days off being lazy or hungover. The drawbacks of a house are actually having to look acceptable for the general public. This is not the case in halls. You can walk around the entire site in a SpongeBob onesie and nobody will even bat an eyelid.
4. Security

Not only is your stuff safe, but you’re safe. With 24-hour CCTV and swipe or PIN access, you’re given the peace of mind that nothing will be stolen (except for your food, by your flatmates). This luxury is not available in a house.
5. Hundreds of people to meet

Wherever you go you’re surrounded by people from different years, courses and societies. Being in halls gives you a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
6. Getting broken things fixed is 100 times easier

If you break something in your house you have to phone the landlord and wait for it to get sorted. This can take some time and issues may even go unfixed altogether. Being in halls means you can simply let site know about a problem and they’ll fix it for you almost straight away – and there’ll be no angry landlords.
7. The opportunity to have your own shower

Staying in a house means a few of you will probably have to share a shower – but in halls you can often have one all to yourself. This signals an end to the pre-lecture stress encountered as you wait for your turn in the shower.
8. Bills are included

The last thing you need when you’re already struggling to get by on your student loan is crazy bills. With halls you’re safe in the knowledge that Wi-Fi, contents insurance and all utility bills are included in your rent, which is often cheaper than it would be for a house anyway. Making a few easy payments means there’s no need to worry about your bills.