Here you can find all the relevant information on how U-Student is doing everything we can to help and support students and reduce any risk of spread.

Due to the current outbreak of Coronavirus across the world, we are all experiencing unfamiliar times. At U-Student we understand the possible unrest this has caused our residents, our staff and the wider community. We do however want to ensure that the health and wellbeing of residents and staff is our main priority. Below you can find all the relevant information on how U-Student is doing everything we can to help and support students and reduce any risk of spread. 

Our U-Student mission:

  • To deliver a truly unforgettable University experience. 
  • Provide high-quality student accommodation in Aberdeen, Carlisle and Sunderland.
  • Ensure that all of our facilities are clean, healthy and safe for students to live in.
  • Monitor the current situation closely and ensure decisions are made with the health our of our residents and staff as the priority.

What we are doing, at U-Student:

  • We are continuing to and continuously communicating with our residents regarding the current situation. Informing them of any changes in and around our U-Student sites. 
  • We have increased the cleaning of our facilities, paying close attention to areas which are accessed by all resident e.g. door handles, stairs and many more.  
  • We are supporting any residents or staff that have chosen to self-isolate, keeping them up to date with our decisions and ensuring that they have digital connections with others. 
  • We have temporarily closed social spaces at U-Student sites. Closing these sites will reduce resident to resident contact and reduce any risk of spread. 
  • We are ensuring that all staff are maintaining hygiene advice from the government, in our buildings and at home. 
  • We are keeping up to date with Universities, their status’ and updates regarding teaching. 

What our U-Student Residents can do:

  • Wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, at least every 2 hours. 
  • Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available. 
  • Ensure that they are following the UK Government advice, which can be updated and changes daily. 
  • When coughing/ sneezing, catching in tissue and binning immediately, then washing hands. 
  • Avoid contact with people who are unwell, vulnerable, who are not immediate family and who you do not live with. 

Helpful sources:

UK Government Response –

111 Advice-

Latest Information and Advice –

Coronavirus Guidance –

NHS Information on Coronavirus –

Coronavirus Action Plan Launched –

Coronavirus Action Plan Guide –

Travel Advice- Coronavirus –

Government Advice on Hand Washing –

Advice from Universities:

Advice from the University of Aberdeen-

Advice from Robert Gordon University-

Advice from the University of Cumbria- 

Advice from the University of Sunderland- 

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