How to Balance Student Life

Trying to find that harmonious balance between social life and studying can be super difficult when you’re a student. We’ve got some top tips to find that perfect balance that is manageable.

Trying to find a sustainable balance between studying and enjoying student life can be difficult at times. With coursework, essays, student nights, societies and sleep, there is a lot to find time for. 

  1. Get yourself organised. Make sure you grab a free year calendar from a freshers event, these will help to organise your life. And put everything on there, from exams and deadlines to events, work and even weekends at home. This will help you to see when you’re busy, when you’re not and when you have free time!
  2. Attend all your lectures and seminars. The whole purpose of going to uni is learning and you do learn in these lessons. Not only will it make studying much easier because you already have the base knowledge, but by attending, you will find lecturers are much more willing to help and provide support if you need it. And obviously, you’re paying for it, so why wouldn’t you go?
  3. Figure out whether you need a job. You need to work out your budget for the month and whether you have enough money to feed yourself and pay for all your bills. If you do, then get a job where you can go, leave and not have to think about it, also, don’t over commit to shifts, remember why you are at uni.
  4. Create a study plan, but make it work for you. Schedule in study time, research, revision and anything else you need to do. Make time for it, but also be productive, if you’re going to study, then study, switch your phone off and concentrate for an hour or so. You’ll spend less time doing it than you would with lots of other distractions.
  5. Get enough sleep. It’s so important to get enough sleep each night, for your health, wellbeing and overall functioning.
  6. Organise social time. Whether it’s joining a society, doing an accommodation quiz night or going out with your friends for karaoke, it’s important to socialise at uni. You’ll find your lifelong friends at uni, but also building a good group around you will not only provide interaction but support at all times.
  7. Look after yourself. Make time for some ‘me-time’, taking care of yourself and having some quality time with yourself. Uni can be so full on 24/7, so take a night off, buy your favourite dinner, have a pamper, watch your favourite film and just enjoy a bit of peace.
  8. Ask for help. If you find yourself struggling, ask someone for help. Friends, family, tutors, charities and uni support, there are lots of places to go for advice and support if you’re struggling. Do not suffer alone, your mental health is the most important thing so take care of it.

But, do remember, that learning to balance student life takes time as it’s a bug change from A-Levels or college courses. You will learn how to do this over time until it becomes second nature.

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