How to Revise over the Christmas Break

Like it or not, revision and doing work over Christmas is something all students have to do. But if you’re organised, plan ahead and use your time wisely, you’ll be able to find a great balance where you can get studying done and still enjoy Christmas. We have some great tips on How to Revise over the Christmas Break.

Like it or not, revision and doing work over Christmas is something all students have to do. But if you’re organised, plan ahead and use your time wisely, you’ll be able to find a great balance where you can get studying done and still enjoy Christmas. Below we have some great tips on How to Revise over the Christmas Break.

  1. Plan- make a list of all the things you need to do, prioritise the list and then create a timetable or plan of what you’ll be doing each day. Don’t forget to pencil in anything your parents have planned, and work your studying around this.
  2. Prepare- ensure that you’ve written all your revision notes before you go home, this will make revision much easier. You could also organise everything into files, so you can easily identify everything you need to study. This could mean spending a few more days at Uni, but trust us, it will pay-off later down the line.
  3. Little and often- By taking a few hours a day to do some work, you’ll tackle your work load quickly. Use your time wisely, identify times of the day where you won’t be distracted and get work done here, then you’ll have lots of time to spend with the family.
  4. Have breaks- overloading yourself all at once doesn’t really work, having regular breaks will help you to keep focus and concentrate when you are working. When you have a break, use it wisely to do something you enjoy.
  5. Reward yourself- maybe not every time you write a line of an essay, but every time you achieve a goal. You could always tell someone you’re going to do something and when you’ve completed it, you prove it and get the reward, a mince pie for example. You could always create your own festive bakes, click here for more info.

Knowing how to revise over the Christmas break is easy, be organised, plan ahead and use your time wisely. Focus on studying when you need too, but make sure to make time for festive activities with the family!

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